As we close 2023, the firm extends its gratitude to our clients and communities, and renews its commitment to the firm’s mission, as established over thirty-five years ago:
To address historic wrongs, advance present progress, and protect future rights of our clients, while maintaining our health and harmonious relationships within our firm and with community, friends, and family.
We look to 2024 with new and stronger relationships, and new leadership and growth. This past year, Veronique Richardson became the firm’s newest partner. She brings to the firm’s leadership more than a decade of experience practicing law and extensive transactional and water law knowledge.
The firm also welcomed three new associate attorneys: Angela Harris and Christian (Chris) White, who are recent graduates of the University of New Mexico School of Law, as well as Kayla Jankowski, who is a graduate of the University of Colorado Law School and joins us from Farmington, New Mexico where she represented Native American children and youth in child welfare and special education cases.
This year, the firm also honored those who came before us as we celebrated the well-deserved recognition of the firm’s founding partner, Tom Luebben, who was awarded the State Bar of New Mexico 2022 Indian Law Section Attorney Achievement Award for his inspiring work in representing Native nations and individuals in their efforts to reclaim lands and other natural resources. Indeed, because of Tom, courts and new generations of law practitioners have recognized the elaborate frauds that have been used to take Indian lands, and the ever-present need to continue to pursue land recovery. It is Tom’s and all of the firm’s founding partners’ dedication, clear sight and courage that continue to inspire us.
We look forward to the new year and as we continue to build and strengthen our relationships and connections with each other, advocating to address historic wrongs and advance present progress.
This honor from the State Bar is so well deserved1 Tom has always been a role model for me. Whether pursuing a legal case, guiding a raft through a Class 5 rapid, or gathering his family together, Tom has a heart of gold and the strength of a tiger. Tom is my man!
(oops the first line should be:
This honor is so well-deserved!)