Resource Protection
At Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, we have decades of experience working to protect our clients’ land and water rights as well as natural and cultural resources. For a number of cases, our specialized expertise and dedication have resulted in historic outcomes.
Land Claims
Water Rights
We have been involved in major Indian water rights litigation, adjudication and settlement in several western states. Notably, an historic settlement was reached as a result of our work with the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians in support of the tribe’s water-related claims. By act of Congress, the Tribe was ensured access to water resources and substantial compensation in money and land. In addition, our attorneys have extensive experience with the water rights of New Mexico pueblos and with the water rights of allotted landowners.
Oil, Gas & Minerals
We negotiate agreements related to oil and gas development, mining for commodities ranging from gold and copper to gravel, and construction easements. Our expertise also includes right-of-way and borrow pits agreements as well as water supply arrangements.
Environmental Law
As tribal environmental counsel, we regularly advise clients with respect to matters arising under the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts, the Endangered Species Act, and other federal and state environmental laws. We also assist tribes in developing their own environmental regulations and enforcement capabilities.
Cultural Resources
Our firm represents tribes in the enforcement of state and federal cultural resources protection laws against local governments and developers. We also advise tribes regarding their rights under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, recommending ways to assert and protect traditional use rights in their aboriginal territory.